Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nepal Village Tours

Village tourism has been emerged as a very new conept in the Nepalese tourism industry. Nepal is normally popular in the world for the adventure travel, white water rafting and great jungle safari, staying at the specially built resorts or the self pitched tents. A brand new concept of village tourism where the guests - you would be taken to unspoiled villages where you spend a few days living with the local people and being treated as honoured family guests. While staying in the villages, you enjoy comfortable accommodation, delicious local food and drink and a welcome that will remain a happy memory for a lifetime. Local attractions, both scenic and cultural are shown.

Many of these villages are close to unspoiled natural areas where wildlife may be seen undisturbed. The traditional culture of the different ethnic groups is a highlight of all village visits. These warm and friendly people are always ready to perform their music and dance and to give an insight into their religion. Examples of local handicrafts will be on display, and for sale, to guests.

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